Date Form Description PDF XBRL Pages
01/17/24 EFFECT Notice of Effectiveness PDF 1
01/12/24 CORRESP A correspondence can be sent as a document with another submission type or can be sent as a separate submission. PDF 7
01/12/24 N-2/A Initial filing of a registration statement on Form N-2 for closed-end investment companies
PDF Document Table XBRL XAML 74
01/09/24 8-K Current report filing
PDF Document Table XBRL XAML 4
01/05/24 DEFA14A Additional definitive proxy soliciting materials and Rule 14(a)(12) material PDF 2
01/04/24 DEFA14A Additional definitive proxy soliciting materials and Rule 14(a)(12) material PDF 2
12/20/23 DEFA14A Additional definitive proxy soliciting materials and Rule 14(a)(12) material PDF 2
12/13/23 DEF 14A Definitive proxy statements PDF 50
12/11/23 CORRESP A correspondence can be sent as a document with another submission type or can be sent as a separate submission. PDF 6
12/11/23 DEFA14A Additional definitive proxy soliciting materials and Rule 14(a)(12) material PDF 2